If you would like to use a different headshot than what you submitted on your registration form, please submit your new headshot using the button below. If you are also competing in StarJewel, you can use the second button to change your StarJewel headshot. The most recently submitted ARB headshot on file will be used for the program book. You do not have to resubmit if you are okay witFinal headshots must be submitted by June 15, 2024.
Please complete this form if you have referred any contestants who are attending the 2024 American Royal Beauties National Competition. For every contestant you refer that attends Nationals, you will receive a $50 credit on your account. The contestant must attend the event in person for you to receive the credit. Please submit this form for each contestant you have referred. All referrals must be submitted no later than June 15, 2024.
National Ad Program
Upload your completed ads using the button below. Ads should be 8.5x11" and submitted in .JPG or .PDF format only. Please do not submit any other file types. Your file should be named (YourName)_(Page #) before uploading. For example, if you submit five full ad pages, the fifth one would be named SallySmith_5. Ads must be submitted in fully designed format. You are responsible for compiling all of the ads you sell into full-page layouts. You can do so yourself in a word processing software, an online software like Canva, or by partnering with a professional graphic artist to complete your designs. Please submit high-resolution ad layouts and don’t put any text or important parts of images within 0.75” of the edges. Please see the National handbook for further details.
Talent Optional
All contestants participating in the talent optional must submit this form. This form will ask you to describe your talent, your microphone needs, upload your music, and/or upload your visual arts submissions. All talent music must be clipped/faded and not exceed the 2.5 minute time limit. MP3 files only, we are unable to accept YouTube videos. Visual arts submissions also require an affidavit of ownership to be submitted with your art. All submissions must be received by June 15, 2024.
Community Service Essay (Optional)
Please use the button below to upload your community service essay if you would like to run for the title of National Community Service Queen. PDF file type is preferred, although Word documents (.doc and .docx) will also be accepted.. Physical copies of essays will not be accepted. All submissions must be digitally received by June 15, 2024.