You must be a resident of or have an affiliation with the state you want to represent. American Royal Beauties is a national scholarship system open to girls and women of all ages in every state in the USA, Canada, and Puerto Rico. Contestants must be biologically female.
Baby Princess 0-18 months
Tiny Princess 19 months-3 years
Princess 4-6 years
Sweetheart 7-9 years
Pre-Teen 10-12 years
Jr. Teen 13-15 years
Teen 16-18 years (unmarried)
Miss 19-29 years (unmarried)
Ms. 30-44 years (married or unmarried)
Elegant Ms. 45 years and up (married or unmarried)
Mrs. 19 years and up (married)
Your age division is determined by your age and marital status on January 1 of the year of the National pageant. The director reserves the right to move a contestant up or down one age division to accommodate a contestant’s individual circumstances. Each situation will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis at the director’s discretion. If a contestant falls within 30 days of aging up to the next division, the contestant can elect to stay in the younger age division at state and continue in that age division for nationals.
Contestants in all categories, except for the Mrs, Ms, & Elegant Ms divisions, must be unmarried. Contestants can be married or unmarried in the Ms and Elegant Ms divisions. Contestants in the Mrs. division must be engaged or married by January 1 of the year of the National pageant. If you are engaged as of January 1 of the year of Nationals, then you must be married before the National pageant to compete for the Mrs. title.
Optional awards and side awards may combine age divisions if there are not enough contestants participating. In order to award for a single age division, there needs to be a minimum of five contestants participating in the optional or side competition. Age divisions will be combined for awards according to the director’s discretion. The main queen title will never be combined, and will be given for each age division.
These guidelines apply to all events, including stage events, interview, and photo submissions. Baby, Tiny, Princess age divisions are not allowed to wear makeup. Contestants in our Sweetheart age division are allowed minimal makeup consisting of lip gloss, light mascara, and pressed powder for shine only; some concealer is okay if needed. Pre-Teen and Older Age Divisions are allowed age appropriate makeup, but not overdone. We are a natural pageant, we want to see the natural you shine through. Contestants may not wear flippers or wigs, unless there is a medical reason or it is a part of their normal every day look. Hair extensions and weaves are allowed in the Jr. Teen age divisions and above. Spray tans are allowed in Sweetheart - Elegant Ms. divisions as long as they look natural; please no orange or dark tans. Spray tans should be used to even out complexions and add a natural glow only.
We are a family friendly competition, please only age appropriate outfits. Anything revealing or sexy is absolutely not allowed. No contestant can wear gowns or outfits with upper thigh-high slits, cutouts showing too much skin, mini-skirts, or deep plunging necklines revealing too much cleavage. Strapless gowns are allowed in the Pre-Teen and above divisions. Contestants in the Teen and above divisions are allowed to have a modest slit in their gown. Two-piece gowns and gowns with cutouts are allowed as long as they are modest and sophisticated, and not sexy or too revealing.
Costumes used for talent optionals must be age appropriate and family friendly. Anything overtly vulgar or sexually explicit will not be allowed. All music must be family friendly.
If a contestant is caught violating these guidelines the judges will be informed and points will be deducted for every event the contestant is in violation. In extreme cases of inappropriate outfits, the Directors may choose to not allow the contestant to compete until the violation is corrected.
These guidelines apply to all photo competition entries at State and National Events including Photogenic and Print Model, as well as online Photo Contests hosted by ARB. We kindly request that headshots submitted for the National handbook also follow these guidelines.
All photo entries should follow makeup and outfit rules listed above for the contestant's age division. Outfits and poses must be family friendly and age-appropriate. Light, natural retouching is allowed to enhance the image subtly (blemish removal, color correction, etc.). Photos should still resemble the contestant. Any post-processing should enhance the image without making it look overly manipulated or artificial. We do not allow AI (artificial intelligence) editing under any circumstances. This includes but is not limited to photos edited with the AI features of apps like FaceApp and FaceTune. Photos should be recognizable as the contestant. Absolutely no glitz photos (heavy makeup, extravagant hairstyles, or excessive retouching). Color or black-and-white photos are acceptable.
National cash award is given 1/2 after crowning and 1/2 after crowning the next year. You must meet all the requirements of your reign and return to crown your successor in order to receive the second half of your cash award. If there are less than 5 contestants in your age division at the time of crowning, you will receive a prorated cash award depending on the final number in your division. National Excellence Queens and Princess Program National Queens do not receive a cash award or additional special sponsor gifts. All other prizes and gifts listed on the awards page will be given to both national and national excellence queens and are not contingent on a full court of 5 members. The director reserves the right to substitute an award or gift of equal value if that item is not available at the time of crowning.
The sash is worn on your right shoulder and attaches at your left hip. State and local titleholders are not permitted to add rhinestones to their sash; this designation is reserved for national royalty. State and local titleholders can add their first name only to the back of their sash with a script or block font. Your name will be read left to right and should be embroidered UP the back of your sash. You are permitted to add five sash pins/buttons maximum on your sash, as long as the items do not detract or cover any of the embroidery on your sash. Pins/buttons representing other pageant systems are not permitted on your sash.
Scores and comments are emailed within 4-6 weeks following an event. Comments are transcribed and are $10 per person and can be requested using the Comments Request Form. American Royal Beauties does not disclose overall ranking, and will only announce runner-ups as long as there are a minimum of two remaining contestants on-stage. We will not leave one competitor formally announced in last place.
State Queens are required to complete 7 quality appearances and return to state to crown your successor. National Queens are required to complete 12 quality appearances (one a month) and return to nationals to crown their successor. National Princess Program Queens are required to complete 8 quality appearances. The definition of a quality appearance is that you are actively promoting the system by either performing community service, passing out cards or flyers, speaking in public about the system, or engaging in recruiting contestants in some way. Any other type of appearance will not count towards your required appearances. We consider the main job of our queens is to be the ambassadors for our system and actively engage in the pursuit of promoting their titles and the system. We encourage combining community service with actively promoting the system; such as speaking about your title at a fundraiser for charity. Please note, a quality appearance takes time and cannot be accomplished by taking a picture in front of a building and passing out a couple of flyers. Each appearance should take time and thoughtful preparation. All appearances must be submitted to the national office (via the appearance form) and posted on your social media account within 30 days of the appearance.
Do not make an appearance at another pageant system and try to recruit contestants, that is considered rude and frowned upon by everyone in the pageant community. This is not considered a quality appearance unless the director of that system allows you to announce your title on stage (or be recognized in some way), wear your crown and sash, and pass out cards (only if you are approached - never actively recruit contestants at another pageant system). Always be respectful of other pageant systems, and contact the director before attending to ask about their particular rules; for instance, can you wear both your crown and sash, or is it sash only, can you hand out an autograph card if you are approached, etc. If you are judging the pageant and the director of that pageant allows you to talk a little about your title and/or write about your title in your judge’s bio that would be considered a quality appearance.
State and local titleholders do not have a no-compete clause. However, while you hold a state or local title with American Royal Beauties, you are not permitted to compete in another pageant system that does have a no-compete clause.
National Queens (ages 0-6) do not have a no-compete clause. However, National Queens (ages 7 & up) DO HAVE a no-compete clause. It is a privilege and honor to represent American Royal Beauties at the national level. All of our contestants work extremely hard to represent American Royal Beauties and their platforms. All National titleholders are required to place their national title as their first priority throughout their year of reign. Always check with the director first to make sure your other titles will not interfere with your national title.
Bad sportsmanship and gossip will not be tolerated and are cause for disqualification during a competition, and in extreme cases the loss of your title if you are a reigning queen. We take this very seriously and have zero tolerance for inappropriate behavior of any kind. Any contestant that is disqualified or reigning queen that has her title revoked for this reason will be banned from competition for a period of one year, a second incident will result in permanently being banned from competition.
Participants and their guests shall not disparage ARB, its associated events, or any fellow contestants, through any means, including but not limited to, oral, written, or social media platforms. Engaging in disparagement will lead to the automatic forfeiture of titles and prizes.
All deposits and fees are non-refundable. All payments submitted through the American Royal Beauties website and through PayPal will have a 3.5% admin fee attached to the final invoice.